We were selected among many of our friends here in SLC as having some of the best new music in Utah for 2009. It aired on the KUER 90.1 FM yesterday, Dec, 9th.
Check it out here KUER Interview.
In other news, we are playing at birthquake's CD release party at the Urban Lounge on the 19th of December. Should be a night to remember. I think that they are planning some pretty insane things. Also, we have some new tunes that we will be playing that will be on an upcoming release that we will be recording sometime in the next few months.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Salt Lake Film Festival
Our bestest friends, Birthquake have their hands full this year. Besides, playing tons of shows and recording a full length, they have organized the first ever Salt Lake Film Festival. It will be held from August 14th-16th. There are many feature and short films being played.
Check them out here:
One of the films is called, Best Worst Movie and is about the film Troll 2. It was filmed here in Utah in the 80's and is considered by many, the worst movie ever made. Anywho, the film is amazing. If you get a chance to make it to any of the films, I suggest that you do. Check out the trailer:
Another movie that you should check out is called, White on Rice. It is staring our friend Dave Christensen. Dave also directed a short film called True Love. It will be featured in the festival as well. I was lucky enough to be able to score the film.
Check them out here:
One of the films is called, Best Worst Movie and is about the film Troll 2. It was filmed here in Utah in the 80's and is considered by many, the worst movie ever made. Anywho, the film is amazing. If you get a chance to make it to any of the films, I suggest that you do. Check out the trailer:
Another movie that you should check out is called, White on Rice. It is staring our friend Dave Christensen. Dave also directed a short film called True Love. It will be featured in the festival as well. I was lucky enough to be able to score the film.
Summertime joy
Wow. We have really neglected this thing. Ok, here is the buddy update. I have been in Central America for the past couple months, Nick has been composing, playing in Ether and has a couple other projects going on. We have been writing some new material that we hope to record before the end of the year. We have a few shows lined up as well (check our myspace page). We will be featured for a download on Utahfm.org sometime this month as well.
We recently had our latest record reviewed in Slug Mag, check it out:
Palace of Buddies
Kilby Records
Street: 03.21
POB = Health + Sonic Youth + Blonde Redhead + Beach Boys
Palace of Buddies is the larger than life projection of two kids playing with their toys: Tim Myers slinging his axe, keyboards and sampler, while Nick Foster pounds the skins, percussion and even more keyboards. It is their youthful experimentation and exuberance that makes Palace of Buddies such a powerhouse in the local rock and electronic scene. In what I would consider calculated risk, Palace of Buddies stretch the boundaries of modern songwriting while still appeasing the listener with tremendous musicianship. “Dirty Diapers” is their claim to fame, with a vicious polyrhythm set to the focused single guitar note, but there are undiscovered gems throughout the album. New age, proto-casio breakdowns such as “Hope For Me” and the melodical and spiritual drive of “Noel” are my favorite tracks. This is the best local release of the year. Go to your local record store and get a copy. –Andrew Glassett
Also, here is a video from the Slug localized that we played in May:
We recently had our latest record reviewed in Slug Mag, check it out:
Palace of Buddies
Kilby Records
Street: 03.21
POB = Health + Sonic Youth + Blonde Redhead + Beach Boys
Palace of Buddies is the larger than life projection of two kids playing with their toys: Tim Myers slinging his axe, keyboards and sampler, while Nick Foster pounds the skins, percussion and even more keyboards. It is their youthful experimentation and exuberance that makes Palace of Buddies such a powerhouse in the local rock and electronic scene. In what I would consider calculated risk, Palace of Buddies stretch the boundaries of modern songwriting while still appeasing the listener with tremendous musicianship. “Dirty Diapers” is their claim to fame, with a vicious polyrhythm set to the focused single guitar note, but there are undiscovered gems throughout the album. New age, proto-casio breakdowns such as “Hope For Me” and the melodical and spiritual drive of “Noel” are my favorite tracks. This is the best local release of the year. Go to your local record store and get a copy. –Andrew Glassett
Also, here is a video from the Slug localized that we played in May:
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Did I do that?
We got home a few days ago. I got sick somewhere along the lines and had to visit a hospital in Tucson. Anywho, we had to skip the last couple shows, which we were really excited to play. Sorry to our friends in Santa Fe and Denver. We'll be back soon. I am resting up and should be good to play on Monday with Wolf Eyes and I hate bees at the Urban Lounge. If you have never seen either group, you will not want to miss this show.
Wolf Eyes
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
We just rolled into Portland OR this afternoon from Olympia WA. So far this tour has been lotssss of fun. We have met some really awesome people and wish to thank them for their help. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Tonight is our last night with Scott Whittaker (Birthquake) he is flying home to SLC tomorrow morning. We have had lots of fun with him and are a little sad to see him leave. I think that his liver might need a break for a couple days though.
Enjoy some photos here:
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Slug Magazine
We recently got interviewed by SLUG Magazine. It turned out pretty cool. Check it out:

Photo: Chris Swainston
Nick Foster – drums, singing, keyboard
Tim Myers –singing, guitar, keyboards,
I was immediately struck by the cover art of Palace of Buddies’ CD. The album’s front shows a garish birthday cake made sinister by shadowy horror-movie lighting. The Salt Lake music scene nearly lost Palace of Buddies to fire during the shoot for the album art. “We thought we had sparkling candles,” the two say, “but instead these candles shot flames.” The back of the album offers the listener a view of POB’s equipment, a Charydis of keyboards, drums and wires that bring to mind nightmares of moving day. Far easier just to burn everything than take it carefully apart.
A willingness to navigate through the hazards of making art is a central tenet of POB’s approach to music. Foster, who has a degree in Music Composition from the University of Utah, discussed works of Milton Babbit, Luciano Berio and Paul Lansky––who he discovered through his studies. Part of what compels Foster about these composers is the novelty of what they were doing. “They wrote pieces that combined traditional symphonic instruments with newer electronic instruments at a time when there were no set rules to follow,” says Foster. The results were experimental, by definition.
This struggle to produce the new, first by hearing it and then by rigging it into reality, is very much a part of the POB experience. Myers says he creates ideas in his head and then develops “oblique strategies” to turn them into fully developed songs. They adopt this phrase from Brian Eno, whose albums Another Green World and Before and After Science are crucial listening for them. Both Foster and Myers mention the various pros and cons of being a two-piece band. There are only so many hands and feet to go around. Yet at a time when it has become increasingly acceptable for even respected bands to play prerecorded music during shows, POB is clear about its commitment to perform their music live. “We needed to relearn to play our instruments,” says Myers. He and Foster switch gear not only between, but also during songs, one playing the bass part for verses, for example, and the other picking up the bass part for the chorus.
What’s remarkable about POB, though, is the band’s ability to produce a fully integrated sound. For all their mad-scientist scrambling with respect to ideas, equipment and sound, Myers and Foster feel like a genuine band, not just a couple of geeks with too much equipment. This is probably because the two have played together since junior high school. Having passed through the ranks of various rock and metal bands, POB has finally reduced its sound to a neat blend of Kraftwerk’s Autobahn, the lush chords of early, experimental Genesis (Foster admires the drumming of the young Phil Collins), and the rag-and-bone clatter of Tom Waits.

Photo: Chris Swainston
Nick Foster – drums, singing, keyboard
Tim Myers –singing, guitar, keyboards,
I was immediately struck by the cover art of Palace of Buddies’ CD. The album’s front shows a garish birthday cake made sinister by shadowy horror-movie lighting. The Salt Lake music scene nearly lost Palace of Buddies to fire during the shoot for the album art. “We thought we had sparkling candles,” the two say, “but instead these candles shot flames.” The back of the album offers the listener a view of POB’s equipment, a Charydis of keyboards, drums and wires that bring to mind nightmares of moving day. Far easier just to burn everything than take it carefully apart.
A willingness to navigate through the hazards of making art is a central tenet of POB’s approach to music. Foster, who has a degree in Music Composition from the University of Utah, discussed works of Milton Babbit, Luciano Berio and Paul Lansky––who he discovered through his studies. Part of what compels Foster about these composers is the novelty of what they were doing. “They wrote pieces that combined traditional symphonic instruments with newer electronic instruments at a time when there were no set rules to follow,” says Foster. The results were experimental, by definition.
This struggle to produce the new, first by hearing it and then by rigging it into reality, is very much a part of the POB experience. Myers says he creates ideas in his head and then develops “oblique strategies” to turn them into fully developed songs. They adopt this phrase from Brian Eno, whose albums Another Green World and Before and After Science are crucial listening for them. Both Foster and Myers mention the various pros and cons of being a two-piece band. There are only so many hands and feet to go around. Yet at a time when it has become increasingly acceptable for even respected bands to play prerecorded music during shows, POB is clear about its commitment to perform their music live. “We needed to relearn to play our instruments,” says Myers. He and Foster switch gear not only between, but also during songs, one playing the bass part for verses, for example, and the other picking up the bass part for the chorus.
What’s remarkable about POB, though, is the band’s ability to produce a fully integrated sound. For all their mad-scientist scrambling with respect to ideas, equipment and sound, Myers and Foster feel like a genuine band, not just a couple of geeks with too much equipment. This is probably because the two have played together since junior high school. Having passed through the ranks of various rock and metal bands, POB has finally reduced its sound to a neat blend of Kraftwerk’s Autobahn, the lush chords of early, experimental Genesis (Foster admires the drumming of the young Phil Collins), and the rag-and-bone clatter of Tom Waits.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Oh, also, new tour dates. Check em.
5.08.09 | Salt Lake City Ut, Slug Localized! Urban lounge |
5.09.09 | Pocatello ID, Bengal Cafe |
5.10.09 | Missoula MT, Palace Lounge |
5.11.09 | Spokane WA, Empyrean Coffee House |
5.12.09 | Seattle WA, Comet Tavern |
5.13.09 | Olympia WA, Abe Kapp’s Museum |
5.14.09 | Portland OR, The Know |
5.16.09 | Chico CA, Cafe Flo |
5.17.09 | San Fran CA, Hotel Utah |
5.18.09 | Fresno CA, Zapps Park |
5.19.09 | LA CA, Silverlake Lounge |
5.20.09 | San Diego, Beauty Bar |
5.21.09 | Tuscon AZ, The Hangart |
5.22.09 | Tempe AZ, Yucca Tap Room |
5.23.09 | Sante Fe NM, Meow Wolf |
5.24.09 | Denver CO, Larimer Lounge |
Interweb Stuff.
Ya, April has been a busy one for the both of us. Between school, work, planning tours and watching Utah Jazz games (RIP 2008-09 Jazz Season) we haven't really been to active in updating this thing. We have written three new songs which we will be playing on May 8th if all goes as planned.
The new disc has burrowed itself a new home on the following interweb sites. Check these links:
Last FM
The new disc has burrowed itself a new home on the following interweb sites. Check these links:
Last FM
Here is a photo for the ladies. Nick (age 6). Who knew that he was a blonde as a boy.
Monday, March 30, 2009
New Disc!!!!
I haven't updated this in a little bit. Anywho, new disc out.
Here is the cover
We had our CD release show on the 21st of March. Good times were had. We played with the Vile Blue Shades and Birthquake. Gavin from Channel 2 news came down and interviewed us. Check it out here ------>KUTV Blog. CD Release Show.
Here is the cover

Saturday, February 14, 2009
Other Hasen Cone Photos
Hasen Cone photos.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
And we are offffffffffffffffffff
So, first blog entry. Almost as exciting as the time I discovered $5 in a pair of pants that had been sent through the washer and kept in my closet for months and months. Hot Dog!
So, Nick and I are completing the final touches on the mix for our new album which will be released March 21st on Kilby Records. We are both really excited for this release. It consists of 10 tracks of which we have written over the past couple years. It has taken wayyyyy too long to record, but I am glad that we spent the time. Nick has done the editing and has really outdone himself. If you have a chance to listen to Nick's music you should. It is amazing, he has lots of talent. click this here. He has plenty of copies of his last album available if you are interested in getting a copy for yourself.
So back to the release and other Palace of Buddies news. We have a few upcoming shows then will hit the road to tour on May 9th. We will post the dates as soon as we get them confirmed, but most likely it will start in Pocatello, ID then Seattle and down the coast.
So, Nick and I are completing the final touches on the mix for our new album which will be released March 21st on Kilby Records. We are both really excited for this release. It consists of 10 tracks of which we have written over the past couple years. It has taken wayyyyy too long to record, but I am glad that we spent the time. Nick has done the editing and has really outdone himself. If you have a chance to listen to Nick's music you should. It is amazing, he has lots of talent. click this here. He has plenty of copies of his last album available if you are interested in getting a copy for yourself.
So back to the release and other Palace of Buddies news. We have a few upcoming shows then will hit the road to tour on May 9th. We will post the dates as soon as we get them confirmed, but most likely it will start in Pocatello, ID then Seattle and down the coast.
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